Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It's only been a year since i last updated my blog.
Many things has changed, the very first thing is my best friend, Angela.
Well, this will be the last time i call her as my 'best friend'.
I do not know what has go wrong, but right now our relationship is even worst than enemies.
At first, i was really angry as she gave up our friendship easily.But i realised she does not care about it anyway. So i told myself,
"对友情的爱, 一次就够了。因为并不是每一个人都会珍惜”
But then i find that things is really weird, the way she acted is like i did something wrong,
is like she hate me. I had tried to talk to her personally, but it does not changed anything.
In the end i respect her decision and will not contact her anymore.
习惯了软弱, 心也会渐渐的变得软弱
习惯了依赖, 就会渐渐的忘记如何依靠自己